Heather Thompson made her first cake when she was six years old.  She decided to make it a clock cake for her brother and she has the photos to prove that it wasn't that bad, for a six year old!  Heather grew up and didn't frequent the baking aisle very much.  She started cooking, though, and got mesmerized by spices and decorative dinner sets.  In the process, she forgot the pleasing whir of a cake mixer and the delectable scents of freshly baked goods.  She went to school and got lost in English Literature (a very nice world to get lost in), and emerged with a B.A. and then an M.A.  There was no time for baking then, and very little time for cooking either!  Then, she began to teach and, in characteristic fashion, Heather launched head-long into that---ocassionally emerging to bake something for her students.  She has wonderful memories of taking a tray of muffins to her colleagues and hunting down actual Anglo-Saxon recipes from the 8th century for her Old English class.  From there, she headed into the government and then, finally, decided it was time to really turn to baking.  She got her certificate in Baking and Pastry Arts in 2009 and, started baking in earnest.  Heather lives in Ottawa, Canada, and, when she's not working on getting her teaching certificate, she's teaching literature online to home-schoolers (check out www.caedmontutorials.com) and feeling very grateful for family and friends who support her and test out her little concoctions!

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